Uta Social Work Learning Contract

We are associated with more than 300 branches in the DFW region. In addition, we are connecting agencies across the state to meet our growing enrollment in distance learning. With this number of internship opportunities, we are able to adapt students to a variety of practical situations with different populations. We enable matches that promote ethical and evidence-based social work practice while instilling competence and confidence in new professionals. Advanced – CAP graduate students will work closely with the Research Associate and Centre Coordinator to support the ongoing development, evaluation and research of the program. An internship at CAP provides the opportunity to research grant preparation, assist in writing grant applications, develop program planning and implementation, participate in collaboration between agencies, participate in community coalition and community networking meetings, prepare reports, and assist with other program administrative activities. Welcome to our program. We look forward to working with you! Once you have decided on the social work program, please start with the strategy of how you will add the necessary field hours to your already busy life. As a rule, agencies do not offer internship hours exclusively in the evenings or on weekends. Some agencies offer flexible hours, but most require availability during the work week. All of them require that you be present for your formal supervision during the work week.

Each intern has a unique job description and works in one or more programs, depending on the assignment. CARS has developed a training program for interns that ensures that interns gain hands-on experience with clients under regular supervision. All aspects of the UTA apprenticeship contract are specifically addressed to ensure that each trainee develops skills in all areas. CARS accepts thirty (30) interns per semester, divided into BSW, Foundation and Advanced Graduate. This experiential internship opportunity prepares future graduates for excellence in social work and professionalism. For InPlace training on logbooks and apprenticeship contracts, please click here Advanced – Direct Graduate Practice Student opportunities include conducting stories and psychosocial assessments; Development of individualized service plans and implementation of identified interventions; and clinical case management through motivational interviewing. Direct practice in children and families can also facilitate psychoeducational parenting in recovery groups; create interactive educational groups for vulnerable youth and caregivers; conduct home visits; assess the functioning of the family; connecting with pregnant women who use opioids; and providing intervention services to high-risk pregnant women, including women who use drugs or alcohol. Direct practice in mental health and addictions can also facilitate psycho-educational groups of recovering parents; facilitating suicide prevention groups; conduct screenings and diagnoses for mental health and addictions; provide individual, group or family therapy; Trauma-informed psychoeducational groups of CBT to facilitate people who have experienced a traumatic event. It is also possible to observe EMDR sessions.

Each semester, more than 400 students work with experienced social workers to learn how theory translates into practice and how practice affects the lives of real people with real strengths and concerns. On-the-job training is the most exciting and challenging learning experience you will encounter during your studies. Interns must attend mandatory orientation sessions on the Wednesday and Thursday before the first day of the semester. Students must be prepared to pass a criminal background check and drug screening. It is possible for someone with a positive criminal history to work in certain areas, but CARS must be informed of any criminal record during the interview process. Students work at the CARS office at 6363 Forest Park Road, Bass Level A226. Regular office hours are Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 am.m to 8:30 pm.m.; Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm; Friday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Friday; and every other Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There may be other special events at other times. Students will be required to arrange personal transportation to and from work and other tasks such as home visits, case management services, school and community services, and outreach services. A refund for travel related to on-site work is possible. Free parking is available. All students must be available for supervision on Friday mornings and be able to have a consistent schedule throughout the semester as they will have regular appointments and groups to moderate. Interns in the second semester or block work their schedule until the last day of class of the semester; Semester 1 interns work their schedule until the last day to save hours in the field. Core internship opportunities include all opportunities for BSW interns, as well as providing evidence-based parenting education in the recovery program during home visits, completing admissions, and working with a high-risk population.

The branch will use InPlace in spring 2020, InPlace is a complete internship management platform. Students will use the system to apply, be assigned, track timesheets, fill out weekly monitoring logs, complete and review revisions. Once all the courses required for the field have been completed, any student enrolling in the field (BSW School of Social Work, MSW Foundation, and MSW AS programs) must purchase an InPlace subscription. The cost of a one-year subscription is $67. For BSW students who plan to complete their MSW at UTA, or for MSW Foundation students who are completing multiple field internships, a multi-year subscription is available for $130. Students Please note that the subscription is NOT included in your lessons, students must pay the fee on the first day of class. Each student needs a subscription for the duration of their program(s). Due to InPlace`s ability to organize and store timesheets, weekly follow-up logs, learning contracts, and assessments, at the end of a student`s program, the student will have a complete record to help them obtain a professional license in the field of social work.

Remember: this is an internship. You will be in a professional environment and develop the essential skills of social workers. Depending on the type of internship you need (p.B bachelor`s degree, graduate), you should be prepared to spend between 16 and 40 hours per week in your assigned agency or work with your instructor in the field. There is a mandatory orientation of 10 hours in the week preceding each semester. This takes place on Wednesday and Thursday before the first day of the semester from 9:00 .m to 15:00.m. A regular weekly work schedule is created for each intern, taking into account regular work schedules and courses. Supervision is on Fridays from 8:30.m to 12:30.m., which is mandatory for all trainees. All students are trained in evidence-based services, engagement, trauma-informed care and motivational interviewing. We understand that taking into account your experience in the field requires commitment and sometimes sacrifices. However, the field is the “signature pedagogy” of social work education (Council on Social Work Education) because it turns you into a professional. Our job is to bring you together with an agency where you will gain the skills and knowledge you need to apply your classroom learning to your professional role.

Basically, the Field Education Office is responsible for turning students into social workers. However, this is not a magical process; It`s completely grounded in reality. Undergraduate internship opportunities include group moderation and working with individuals. Tasks may include supporting groups with an evidence-based curriculum for youth; presentations on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs for vulnerable children and youth in schools and community centres; Participation in home visits to clients, management of developmental activities with young children of recovered parents; Learn and implement engagement skills and motivational interviewing techniques; and evidence of community education on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs; facilitate alternative activities that contribute to the strengthening of an evidence-based curriculum; contact pregnant women with risk factors; the provision of infant care education; Lead activities for a moms` club; and conduct case management through motivational interviews with assigned clients. Standardized measures are implemented and evidence-based prevention programs are implemented. A macro project will be attached to the internship according to the interests of the intern. Students may be assigned special projects. At the Office of Field Education, we look forward to supporting your social work internship. Sharon Martin, Field Advisor LMSW III BSW Students and Advanced MSW Health & Aging Students sharon.martin@uta.edu Natalie Mangham, MSW Field Advisor III MSW Foundation Students natalie.mangham@uta.edu We encourage you to start planning for the field when you apply for the program. Field represents an obstacle that other courses do not have.

Although you create a program for all your courses, your field internship requires a different amount of time. Hector Ramos, MSW Field Advisor III Advanced MSW Mental Health/Substance Abuse Students hector.ramosdeleon@uta.edu you can also watch the recording of a live in-place training, please follow this link. .