New Residential Rental Property Rebate Excise Tax Act

If your rental property is located in Ontario, enter the amount of the provincial rebate that you calculated in accordance with the provincial discount plan applicable to line G. If you are not eligible to claim the PNR rebate for a portion of the federal part of the HST simply because the FMV of the eligible housing unit exceeds $450,000, you may still be eligible for the Ontario NRP rebate. ABC Inc. is not a co-op or builder of the property. All units in the complex are qualified residential units. ABC Inc. cannot charge an ITC the tax payable upon acquisition of the complex. Whether you are a co-operative buyer/landlord or a co-operative builder/landlord, you must submit the rebate application within two years of the end of the month in which you grant occupancy of the unit (after construction or the last major renovation) to a person under an exempt long-term residential lease. If the property for which you are claiming a PNR rebate is owned by more than one person, you will not be able to include the amount of the PNR rebate on your GST/HST return. In this case, send the NRRP remittance request and the corresponding documents to the address indicated in the following table. If you are a builder/owner, you must send the rental or rental agreement with your discount request. The Ontario PNR rebate is only available for the provincial portion of the HST.

Helen purchased a used triplex (a multi-unit residential complex) in Ontario. She hired a contractor to fundamentally renovate it for her. Helen is not registered for the GST/HST. You usually pay Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Value Added Tax (GST/HST) when you purchase a new or substantially renovated residential property from a builder. If you are the builder of a rental property, or if you are making an addition to a rental property with multiple residential units, it is generally assumed that you have demonstrated self-sufficiency and that you have paid and collected taxes on the fair market value of the rental property or a surtax at the time you rent or live in the first unit of the property as your place of residence (see What is self-sufficiency?). Enter “0” if the rental property is not located in Ontario. It is assumed that XYZ Ltd. took care of the condominium (including the building and property) itself when handing over the condominium property to Nicole and Richard. XYZ Ltd.

included the tax it levied on its own supply in its GST/HST statement for the reporting period during which Nicole and Richard were transferred to own the home. XYZ AG transferred the net tax for that reference period. Since XYZ Ltd. was considered self-sufficient and the GST had to be paid on the FMV of the complex, its sale of the real property portion of the complex is exempt from tax. If you sell inventory that entitles the purchaser to occupy the eligible unit, the purchaser may be entitled to claim a GST/HST rebate for new apartments (see Guide RC4028, GST/HST Rebate for New Housing). In this case, you must deduct the amount of the buyer`s new apartment discount from your NRRP discount. You calculate and deduct the buyer`s discount on Form GST525. In the case of a co-op in Ontario, if the buyer is eligible for a provincial rebate for a new home, you must deduct the amount of that discount when calculating the amount of your rebate from the Ontario NRP.

The total number of pitches in or in addition to the caravan park at the time of self-sufficiency entered online. You have the right to claim an Ontario PNR rebate for a portion of the provincial part of the HST paid for your newly constructed or substantially renovated Ontario rental property if one of the following applies to you: If you paid GST for the purchase or self-sufficiency of the condominium or extension, enter the total GST paid on line A. An NRRP rebate is available using the Type 7 application for a residential complex or one or more housing units in a multi-unit residential complex or an addition to such a multi-family complex that is or contains at least one eligible housing unit (see What is an Eligible Housing Unit?) and all of the following conditions are met: If the co-operative purchased the condominium, enter the purchase price of the condominium on line M (excluding GST/HST payable at the time of purchase). For residential real estate in Ontario, you can take advantage of the Ontario NRP rebate if you cannot claim the PNR rebate for a portion of the federal portion of the HST simply because the fair market value of the eligible housing unit exceeds $450,000. For more information, see GST/HST Fact Sheet GI-093, Harmonized Sales Tax: Ontario New Residential Real Property Rebate. If a person has the right to request the surrender of a public service entity in respect of the rental property, he or she does not have the right to request the reduction of the PNR. An Ontario PNR rebate for a portion of the provincial part of the HST is available at Type 8 only for co-operative dwellings that are eligible units. For more information about Type 8 applications, see Application Type 8: Co-operative Housing (Co-operatives).

First of all, the property should be considered as: the purchase of a newly built house from a builder or a major renovation or conversion project. If you need additional storage space and have used more than one copy of the chart, add up the total discount for all pages and enter the total discount amount for all eligible units listed in the chart. The application types and deadlines for the Ontario NRP rebate for a portion of the provincial part of the HST are generally the same as for the GST/HST PNR rebate. For more information, see Application Types. 10. Paragraph 9 shall not apply to goods or services assigned by a declarant where the declarant was not entitled to claim an input TAX credit on the immovable property or service on the basis of Article 170. If your residential property is located in Ontario, in addition to the GST/HST discount for part of the federal part of the HST, you may be able to claim an Ontario NRP rebate for part of the provincial part of the HST. .